VIDEO – Badminton Technique: Learning Deceptive Shots!
There are articles about trick and deceptive shots coming up and I already posted several videos on Youtube. With the following clip I want to encourage coaches to teach deceptive shots with young children.
At first, deceptive shots do not seem to be one of the easiest things to learn in Badminton training – at least they are not that simple when you are not practising them. But with a little practise even deceptive shots can be learned – not just by professionals like Peter Gade and Marc Zwiebler or advanced Badminton players but also by young Badminton players and even small “Badminton dwarfs” – you as a coach just need the courage to deal with the topic.
The coaching of the technique of such shots has an enormous additional value. Therefore, I like to call it “Badminton specific coordination training” – and under this definition this topic should absolutely be considered in the training of our youngest players. But should the basic strokes not be taught first? No, they do not! Especially when such a seemingly difficult thing is practised, similar but also different basic strokes can be learned a lot easier than before. And – as far as I can say, we often underestimate the children (so did I for a long time) – but watch for yourself: the small boy in the video is 6 years old, the exercise took about four minutes – the result is impressive.
Diemo Ruhnow
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